This particular error indicates that an optional Trap was used during the power-on self-test. When the engineers at Motorola created the 68000-series microprocessors, they set aside 16 locations in the chip that developers could use for their own purposes. These locations were called “Trap Vector 0” through “Trap Vector 15”. A developer could place an address into one of these optional trap vectors and whatever the address pointed to would be processed whenever an application accessed the trap vector. That may be a bit too complicated to fully understand. Just think of it as a way to add functionality to the system in much the same way that adding an extension to the Extensions folder does. This error is similar to an Unimplememted Trap error (a “Type 12“ error). What to do You should review the explanation of error “12" (using the “Mac OS Errors” option of the Tools menu). The System file is probably corrupted, try re-installing it. If that fails to solve the problem, you are probably having a hardware failure. The System file can appear to be corrupted because of bad RAM or a bad disk. These possibilities can only be evaluated with certainty by an Apple Repair shop. Consider having your system examined if you don't feel capable of doing it yourself.